The waterfall Djur-Djur
The first station in this tour is the Funa Fortress. The fortress of Funa stands on the mountain Funa, what in Greek means “smoky”. Now the mountain has a more widely known name Dimerdgy.
You will enjoy the view of mountain and see the so-called Valley of Ghosts. The Valley of Ghosts is a natural landmark at foot of Mount Demerdzhi.
Mountainside of Demerdzhi is a unique cliff conglomeration which is commonly named “a boulder chaos”. Shapes and dimensions of these rocks and boulders are so queer that one can often discern various figures and portraits created by nature.
Then you will visit the most powerful Crimean waterfall Djur-Djur. The waterfall entirely justifies its name (the Greeks called it Kremasto-Nero - "hanging water"): it doesn't rumble, makes no noise and just ripples; water streams don't fall impetuously, but slide down, breaking at the bottom of ledge and forming playing rainbow in the icy dust.